It is not surprising, if I say, that the only treatment, ie. a therapy, which is indispensable in the human body, is Physical therapy.
Exercise is sometimes inevitable or at times supplementary therapy in all medical and surgical ailments. When a patient is operated on for heart diseases, exercises are started from, day...one even when he is not free from the effect of anesthesia. The exercise protocols are set differently in all conditions. If the first two days have one formula, the other days have different as per physical and clinical status. You can make out the difference clearly between a treated and untreated postoperative cardiac patient. An untreated may be either laterally flexed or forwardly flexed (Scoliotic or Kyphotic)in posture deformity.
In Orthopedic and Neurological disease conditions, any layman knows how physical therapy is inseparable. In Orthopedic, if the treatment, predominantly aims at free joint movement, in Neurology, it aims at strengthening paralytic conditions. Besides, there is also pain management.
In gynecology, after child delivery, our female physiotherapists have a protocol of exercises by which the delivered lady is reincarnated to a virgin lady with abdominal and pelvic floor exercises. You will be surprised to see a well-treated lady after delivery.
E N T cases like BPPV ( Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), there is Adaptation or Labrynthine exercises. There is electrical stimulation for vocal cords for speech impairment and stimulation for pharyngeal muscles for swallow impairment( Dysphagia).
There is dermatological treatment, like Ultraviolet irradiation for skin diseases like Psoriasis, Eczema, etc. after doing the Erithma reaction test.
Physical therapy is inevitable for Rheumatic conditions like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Spondylosis, etc.
It may be unbelievable that three physiotherapists have sufficient jobs in all Regional cancer centers.
Diabetic patients with Diabetic polyneuropathy will seek a physiotherapist.
There is a wide variety of Autoimmune diseases like GBS, CIDP, Rheumatic vasculitis, etc, etc, have supplementary treatment by physiotherapy.
No congenital deformity can be cured without physiotherapy. Early diagnosis and early treatment make wonders to get rid of a lifelong deformity.
There is a wide area of respiratory exercises as a life-saving measure.
I have referred to only very few disease conditions to make the write-up short. There are multifarious areas of the human body, where exercise is inevitable both for general health and disease conditions.
I was a regular invitee for " Athidhi, in Suprabhadam" in Asianet and "Prakashadhara" in All India Radio, Trivandrum, for one hour program,15 years ago, when physiotherapy was not much popular in civil population. Physiotherapy started first in Forces hospitals in British India, and in the world in 1883 after the Crimean war. Then only the courses started in civil hospitals like Jaslok hospital, Bombay. The professors in my National Institute, commented sarcastically, once after listening, my A I R program," Do you mean Physiotherapy alone is needed for all human ailments? "I replied, " I didn't mean that, highlighted the day like facts of my field, which you will not do". They laughed in agreeing with me.
Thank you all.